Stay safe, take care of yourself, and take care of your patients (in that order).
Jan. 15, 2024

Introducing Critical Incident

Introducing Critical Incident

I am starting a segment of the podcast that I'm calling "Critical Incident." Right now the plan is to publish these episodes on the weeks in between the regular KP episodes. These are stories from throughout my career that I think are worth sharing. There is no real theme, just things that have stuck in my memory.

I would enjoy sharing other people's stories, as well. Any type of story is welcome regardless of why it is meaningful or memorable to you. Please send them to me via email ( You can write you story if you'd like me to read it on the podcast. You can record yourself telling the story and I will play your recording (as long as it sounds good) on the podcast. If you would prefer, you can be a guest on the podcast and we'll talk about your story live.

Obviously, please do not violate any applicable privacy or copyright laws. I will not share any details that seem to violate patient confidentiality.