Stay safe, take care of yourself, and take care of your patients (in that order).
March 3, 2024

Huntsville Hospital Cardiology Update 2024 Recap

Huntsville Hospital Cardiology Update 2024 Recap

Recently I attended the HH Cardiology Update conference, held at the UA Huntsville College of Nursing. This was a Saturday morning class that, you know, sounded like a good idea at the time I signed up. Honestly if I hadn't already paid the registration fee I probably would not have gone. It's so hard to get up early on an off day! I also wasn't sure that any of the sessions would be relevant to family practice.

TL;DR I'm glad I went.

The speakers were good and there were a few things I took away that I think are somewhat applicable to my practice. It was over by 1:00 pm and I got 4 CEUs for attending. Also they had some pretty good cookies.

I was super impressed that a PA student who had just finished a rotation with us also showed up, and even asked a good question of one of the speakers in front of the whole crowd! I don't think I would have found the strength to attend something like that when I was a student. I do get excited about learning and I am committed to being a "life-long learner," but I did not feel that way until I got out of school. I would do well to remember that when I'm bitching about how uninterested the nursing students I work with seem to be in learning anything!
